Monday 4 August 2014

Transform your Life. Step 8 of 10

Transform your life!  Step 8 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 8

Examine your thoughts and beliefs.  Are they reflecting what you want to manifest?

One of the crucial aspects of the law of attraction is believing that you will receive what you are asking for.  
Ask.  Believe.  Receive.
Think it.  Say it.  Do it.  Be it.

There is a divine timing to all things occurring.  If what we wish for and desire were manifest instantly in our lives, we would have no trouble with believing the law of attraction/creation. However, when things take longer than we want, we struggle with our faith.  We then start believing others (and our inner voice) when they tell us, it cant happen, why do we deserve that, its too expensive, etc
We then start affirming that it is impossible or too far fetched for this to enter our lives, this then starts negating all the work you have been doing in asking for it to come into your life.

 "Be happy with what you have, while working for what you want"  Helen Keller

We are so conditioned by our past experiences that it is can feel really difficult to change and appreciate that the power is in the present moment.

Start questioning.  If what you are trying to manifest is more financial abundance, start looking at your thoughts around money.  What do your parents think about money?  How were the finances when you were growing up?  Were you always scrimping and saving?  Were your parents struggling at the end of the month?  Was food tight?  Or were your parents wealthy? Did you have guilt around that?  Or maybe you didn't get on with your parents and want to reject wealth?
If you have money, are you embarassed by it and try to play it down?  Its ok to be wealthy and spiritual.  The more we have, the more people and charities we can help, the more energy we have freed up to do good, and to follow our life purpose.
Or are you jealous of those with money?  Do you gossip about people with money?
Does money represent love to you?  Or security? 

If you want to have a partner and grew up in a single parent family - did your parent put down the opposite sex or in a double parent family - was there always fighting?

Where do you live?  What are society's views around money?  Relationships?  

Did you have a religious upbringing - what was your church's views?  I recently heard the phrase "money is the root of all evil" - how can humans put so much negative energy on money?  Money is an energy.  It has no intrinsic value of good or bad.  It can be used for good or bad.  Money needs to flow.  To be in our power, we need to not be struggling and making do. We don't want to be spending a lot of our energy struggling to make money and worrying about paying our bills.  It distracts us from our life purpose and depletes our energy/motivation and passion.

Spend as much time as you can observing your thoughts around what you are trying to manifest.  Listen to the conversations you have with others around it.  Do you hear yourself saying regularly "I'm skint, I haven't got enough money" or "There are no good men/women around or All the good ones are taken.

Work with affirmations (see Step 5)
For example
I choose to believe that money comes easily and frequently to me.  
I choose to believe that money comes from many and varied sources.
I am willing to be prosperous, no matter what others may think.

I am open to meeting new loving people.
I have space in my life to attract a loving and supportive partner.

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