Transform your life! Step 5 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work. I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes.
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time. Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results. Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share. Thank you. Elaine <3
Giving and Receiving
Allow the Universe to give to you in expected and unexpected ways. Often we get despondent about things now happening for us when we have asked because it is either not happening in the way we expected or in the timing we expected/hoped for. Have faith. The Universe has heard your wishes and is responding in the most appropriate way for your Highest Good and the Highest Good of all concerned. There is a divine timing.
Giving and receiving are part of the same energy flow. Flow is a key word here. If you want more incoming flow in your life, you need to allow energy to flow. If you want more money to flow into your life, you need to allow money to flow.
A lot of us have put an energy onto money that money equals security. Money is purely a symbol for an exchange of energy. However, if you trust and intend that you will always be provided for, there is no need to accrue a pot of money "just in case". We seem to have this need to own things, which tends to come from a fear based space of it could all be taken from me. Fear and trust are two sides of the same coin.
Give what you want to receive. If you want acknowledgement, acknowledge everyone around you. If you want to feel loved, be loving to all those around you. If you want to be given flowers, buy flowers for yourself and/or give them to people around you.
You are a magnet. You attract the energy back to you that you are emanating.
Wherever you go each day, and whoever you see - take a gift. This could be a flower, a compliment, a smile, a blessing/well-wish, a note. You don't have to spend money on this. It is the act of giving that is important, not the cost. Give to yourself also, a compliment, some flowers, some time/space; a pampering treat - essential oil bath/a massage/exercise you enjoy/a delicious meal.
Notice how well you receive things. When someone compliments you on your hair or an item of clothing - do you say "thank you I love it too" or do you say "what this old thing? it was only cheap? I don't think it suits me?"
Observe your resistance to receiving.
Exercise - if you find this difficult - ask your friends/family to help you practise receiving by giving you something each time you see them. If you find it hard to say thank you, at least don't say anything and negate the gift.
You might like to start working with the affirmations:
I am blessed.
I am surrounded by love and support.
I am open and receptive to all channels of abundance.
I am open and receptive to all possibilities.
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