Monday, 4 August 2014

Transform your Life. Step 10 of 10.

Transform your life!  Step 10 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 10
Daily Rituals

Congratulations, you have made it to step 10.  Now let's try and bring it all together.

To make change in our lives, we need to change something every day.  The more changes we make, the more change there will be.
"If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten" Anthony Robbins
I have found that at the beginning it can all be very overwhelming.  There is a lot of new information to take on.  To integrate, break it down into bite-sized chunks.  Most days, I perform my daily rituals to keep me on track.

Morning (before breakfast)
I would recommend you do a meditation  After the mediation, you could then think about your day ahead, and visualise all the different situations you are going into.  If any of them bring up troubled thoughts, try and visualise them going exactly how you would like them to go.  Send love and blessings ahead of you to everyone you may encounter.  

Spend some time giving some thought to your longer term goals/dreams.  Visualise them positively.

Then choose an affirmation for the day, it may be one that comes readily to you, or it may be to counter-balance some negative feelings you may have that day.  As you say it, visualise your life as though this were true.  Feel love towards this life.

Through the day, aim to notice your gratitude, be loving and kind, give to others.  Receive compliments.  Give compliments, smile.
If you observe negativity coming up, observe, acknowledge, try and release.  Affirm the positive.

In the evening, in your journal, debrief from your day.  Think about the difficult situations, about how you could maybe see it from a different viewpoint, is there any other way you could have reacted to promote a more positive outcome.  Have you honoured yourself?  Your needs and wishes?  Have your voiced your concerns?  Asserted yourself?  Been loving towards yourself?   Sometimes when I notice myself feeling cross with myself for something I have said or done, I imagine if I was a child and I was also a kind loving parent, what would I be saying to myself?  I would probably be telling myself to not be so hard on myself, to forgive myself, to comfort myself, to support myself.

As I am falling asleep, I ask my guides/angels to offer me protection and any healing I may need during the night for my highest good.  I also ask for any divine inspiration or guidance I may need to hear.  I personally notice a lot of answers to my questions and problems come to me during my dreamtime.  

Thank you for reading my blog, for reading these 10 steps.  I hope that some or all of what I have written might be helpful to you.  Please follow up with the recommend reading from step one.  Please feel free to comment/share with your facebook/your friends and anyone you feel may benefit.

May all your dreams come true.  Namaste  Elaine

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