Monday, 4 August 2014

Transform your Life. Step 10 of 10.

Transform your life!  Step 10 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 10
Daily Rituals

Congratulations, you have made it to step 10.  Now let's try and bring it all together.

To make change in our lives, we need to change something every day.  The more changes we make, the more change there will be.
"If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten" Anthony Robbins
I have found that at the beginning it can all be very overwhelming.  There is a lot of new information to take on.  To integrate, break it down into bite-sized chunks.  Most days, I perform my daily rituals to keep me on track.

Morning (before breakfast)
I would recommend you do a meditation  After the mediation, you could then think about your day ahead, and visualise all the different situations you are going into.  If any of them bring up troubled thoughts, try and visualise them going exactly how you would like them to go.  Send love and blessings ahead of you to everyone you may encounter.  

Spend some time giving some thought to your longer term goals/dreams.  Visualise them positively.

Then choose an affirmation for the day, it may be one that comes readily to you, or it may be to counter-balance some negative feelings you may have that day.  As you say it, visualise your life as though this were true.  Feel love towards this life.

Through the day, aim to notice your gratitude, be loving and kind, give to others.  Receive compliments.  Give compliments, smile.
If you observe negativity coming up, observe, acknowledge, try and release.  Affirm the positive.

In the evening, in your journal, debrief from your day.  Think about the difficult situations, about how you could maybe see it from a different viewpoint, is there any other way you could have reacted to promote a more positive outcome.  Have you honoured yourself?  Your needs and wishes?  Have your voiced your concerns?  Asserted yourself?  Been loving towards yourself?   Sometimes when I notice myself feeling cross with myself for something I have said or done, I imagine if I was a child and I was also a kind loving parent, what would I be saying to myself?  I would probably be telling myself to not be so hard on myself, to forgive myself, to comfort myself, to support myself.

As I am falling asleep, I ask my guides/angels to offer me protection and any healing I may need during the night for my highest good.  I also ask for any divine inspiration or guidance I may need to hear.  I personally notice a lot of answers to my questions and problems come to me during my dreamtime.  

Thank you for reading my blog, for reading these 10 steps.  I hope that some or all of what I have written might be helpful to you.  Please follow up with the recommend reading from step one.  Please feel free to comment/share with your facebook/your friends and anyone you feel may benefit.

May all your dreams come true.  Namaste  Elaine

Transform your Life. Step 9 of 10

Transform your life!  Step 9 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 9
Follow your Bliss.  Find your Life Purpose

What motivates you?  What are you passionate about?  What would you love to spend your time doing?  What makes you feel alive?

"The purpose of life is to live a life of purpose"  Richard Leiden

Observe your emotions.  They are an important component in applying the law of attraction. Learn to listen to them.  Attune to your intuition.  Your emotions will indicate how well you are on track with manifesting your heart's desires/following your life's purpose.  They are communicating back to you about what you are thinking about, believing; what music you are listening to; what tv you are watching - if its good for you.   If you are feeling negative, you will be thinking negative thoughts.  When you are feeling joyful, you are on purpose.  

Your higher self communicates with you through your emotions.  It is generally considered that when you are thinking about something, if you are feeling good about it, it is an indicator that this is good for you (and related to your life's purpose).  If you aren't feeling so good about it, then maybe you need to reconsider.  Follow your "gut" reaction/your hunches.
I notice it when I feel "stressed" - it indicates to me that either something I'm doing or the way I'm doing it; or something I'm thinking about, isn't working for me.  
Its important to listen to this and to follow it as much as possible.  It is like your inner guidance system.

Mood Shifters
Write yourself a mood-shifter list.  These are things that are personal to you, that tend to make you feel better.
If you are feeling negative, it can be helpful to back track to when this feeling started. Sometimes I can wake up feeling positive and motivated, then one little thing that happens in my morning, a small passing conversation with someone, a difficult thought I choose to bring to mind can leave me feeling low/negative/sad.  Unless I stop and back track, this feeling can sometimes stay all day, and it can generate more negativity to come my way because of my negative energy field that I am taking with me to all my activities that day.  Sometimes, just becoming aware of what has upset you is enough, other times you may need to process it more - write in your journal, ring a supportive friend.  Other times you may just feel low and not know why.  Then it can be good to look at and work on an activity on your mood shifter list.  
Singing along to your favourite music.
Having a hot bath with essential oils.
Going for a walk in nature - by the sea, in the woods, in the mountains.
Talking to a good friend.
Having a massage.
going to bed for a sleep
Doing a meditation
Reading a book you love.
Watching a film you love.

Our deepest dreams can also be an indicator as to our life's purpose.  What are your dreams?

You might want to write these questions down in your journal and write your answers alongside:
What makes me feel alive?
What are my natural gifts/talents?
What do I love to do?
If money and time were no object, what would I be doing?
If I couldn't fail to succeed, what would I be doing?

You may want to ask yourself these questions before or after doing a meditation and listen for your answer.  You may wish to purchase some oracle cards - (Doreen Virtue, Diana Cooper, Colette Baron-Reid, Sonia Choquette all do good ones).

Transform your Life. Step 8 of 10

Transform your life!  Step 8 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 8

Examine your thoughts and beliefs.  Are they reflecting what you want to manifest?

One of the crucial aspects of the law of attraction is believing that you will receive what you are asking for.  
Ask.  Believe.  Receive.
Think it.  Say it.  Do it.  Be it.

There is a divine timing to all things occurring.  If what we wish for and desire were manifest instantly in our lives, we would have no trouble with believing the law of attraction/creation. However, when things take longer than we want, we struggle with our faith.  We then start believing others (and our inner voice) when they tell us, it cant happen, why do we deserve that, its too expensive, etc
We then start affirming that it is impossible or too far fetched for this to enter our lives, this then starts negating all the work you have been doing in asking for it to come into your life.

 "Be happy with what you have, while working for what you want"  Helen Keller

We are so conditioned by our past experiences that it is can feel really difficult to change and appreciate that the power is in the present moment.

Start questioning.  If what you are trying to manifest is more financial abundance, start looking at your thoughts around money.  What do your parents think about money?  How were the finances when you were growing up?  Were you always scrimping and saving?  Were your parents struggling at the end of the month?  Was food tight?  Or were your parents wealthy? Did you have guilt around that?  Or maybe you didn't get on with your parents and want to reject wealth?
If you have money, are you embarassed by it and try to play it down?  Its ok to be wealthy and spiritual.  The more we have, the more people and charities we can help, the more energy we have freed up to do good, and to follow our life purpose.
Or are you jealous of those with money?  Do you gossip about people with money?
Does money represent love to you?  Or security? 

If you want to have a partner and grew up in a single parent family - did your parent put down the opposite sex or in a double parent family - was there always fighting?

Where do you live?  What are society's views around money?  Relationships?  

Did you have a religious upbringing - what was your church's views?  I recently heard the phrase "money is the root of all evil" - how can humans put so much negative energy on money?  Money is an energy.  It has no intrinsic value of good or bad.  It can be used for good or bad.  Money needs to flow.  To be in our power, we need to not be struggling and making do. We don't want to be spending a lot of our energy struggling to make money and worrying about paying our bills.  It distracts us from our life purpose and depletes our energy/motivation and passion.

Spend as much time as you can observing your thoughts around what you are trying to manifest.  Listen to the conversations you have with others around it.  Do you hear yourself saying regularly "I'm skint, I haven't got enough money" or "There are no good men/women around or All the good ones are taken.

Work with affirmations (see Step 5)
For example
I choose to believe that money comes easily and frequently to me.  
I choose to believe that money comes from many and varied sources.
I am willing to be prosperous, no matter what others may think.

I am open to meeting new loving people.
I have space in my life to attract a loving and supportive partner.

Transform your Life. Step 7 of 10

Transform your life!  Step 7 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 7
Break the habit of negative thinking.

#Don't allow yourself the luxury of a negative thought # stop complaining.

Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction.  Break the habit.  Talk about your joys.
A lot of us spend a lot of time complaining about our life - the weather, our work, our work colleagues, our partners, having to do chores around the house, not enough money, not enough time, not enough sleep etc.....
If you want to bring more good into your life, you need to start focussing on your joys. What brings you happiness, that you did get some sleep, that you do have a job, that you do have food to eat, that the rain replenishes the earth.  With the difficult things in your life, try and find a level of acceptance if you are not able to change them.  Spending energy complaining about things you cant change is futile.  Learning acceptance and patience.

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference."  The Serenity Prayer

You could also look on the challenging things in your life as growth-promoting.  If you never had any problems, if your life was easy, work was easy, you got on with everyone, you had enough money, you had peace and harmony all around you, where would the growth be?  Challenges encourage us to find different ways of doing and perceiving things, they enable us to gain wisdom.  Embrace the adventure of life.

However, there may be a lot of negativity in your life, in your outlook.  It is important to release the negativity so you can allow the new in/more of what you want.  Ways to release negativity are: therapeutically talking to a supportive friend, seeing a counsellor/therapist, writing in a journal.  But see these activities as actively releasing your negativity from your energy field. Once you have spent time talking about these things, let them go.  Don't harbour anger.  Work towards forgiveness.  You need to release the past.

"Holding on to anger is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to get ill" - Buddha

"Dwell not on the past.  Use it to illustrate a point, then leave it behind.  Nothing really matters except what you do now in this instant of time.  From this moment onwards you can be an entirely different person, filled with love and understanding, ready with an outstretched hand, uplifted and positive in every thought and deed"  Eileen Caddy

Practise a 30 day diet of breaking the habit of negative thinking/complaining.  Make a conscious decision to focus on the positive for 30 days.  Focus on what you do want, give no time or attention to what you don't want.  Write in your journal, any negativity that comes up in the day, then let it go.  Don't spend the day moaning about the weather, complaining about your annoying work colleagues, your unsupportive partner.

"Since the Law of Attraction responds to the energy vibration of your thoughts and emotions, you need to focus your attention on the things that bring you into a state of positive vibration."  Jack Canfield

Carry your journal with you through the day, for 30 days, then at regular intervals throughout the day, notice where your attention is focussed.  Write it down.  If it is negatively focussed, let it go and reaffirm your intentions for the rest of the day/life/your dream.

"Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results"  Willie Nelson.

Watch your words through the day, instead of complaining about your lack of money, say I am manifesting more money each day or I am open and receptive to all channels of abundance.
Instead of complaining about your unsupportive partner, affirm, I am surrounded by love and support.
Instead of complaining about your physical ailments, focus and affirm the parts of your body that do work well - I am so grateful for my full eyesight.

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then is not an action, but a habit." Aristotle

"You must bring yourself into alignment with what you are asking for.  That's what joy is, that's what appreciation is, that's what the feeling of passion is.  But when you are feeling despair, or fear, or anger, those are strong indicators that you are not right now in alignment with what you are asking for"  Esther Hicks.

Transform your Life. Step 6 of 10.

Transform your life!  Step 6 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 6

"The quieter you become the more you can hear"  Ram Dass

Take time each day to step away from the noise.  Spend time quietly alone each day. Meditation helps us connect to ourselves, to feel our feelings, to observe our thoughts, to hear our higher selves/our spirit guides/our angels.
It calms and soothes our spirit.  It promotes calm and inner peace in our lives.  It restores balance and reconnects us to the Universal Mind/Source.
It is a space in which we can hear our inner voice and through which we can develop and gain confidence in our intuition.  It gives us more confidence to follow our heart, our passions, our love, and our inner knowing.

Start with 3 minutes per day - you could do a 3 minute breathing space (see youtube).  You could then increase to 5 minutes, then 10 minutes, and more.  What is generally highly recommend is 20-30 minutes twice daily once you are more serious and committed to a meditation practice.

There are plenty of books about meditation - I particularly like "Meditation for Beginners" by Jack Kornfield.  There are plenty of you tube clips to short meditations.  I also recommend - a mediation for your smart phone or similar device.  

Transform your Life. Step 5 of 10

Transform your life!  Step 5 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 5
Giving and Receiving

Allow the Universe to give to you in expected and unexpected ways.  Often we get despondent about things now happening for us when we have asked because it is either not happening in the way we expected or in the timing we expected/hoped for.  Have faith.  The Universe has heard your wishes and is responding in the most appropriate way for your Highest Good and the Highest Good of all concerned.  There is a divine timing.

Giving and receiving are part of the same energy flow.  Flow is a key word here.  If you want more incoming flow in your life, you need to allow energy to flow.  If you want more money to flow into your life, you need to allow money to flow.

A lot of us have put an energy onto money that money equals security.  Money is purely a symbol for an exchange of energy.  However, if you trust and intend that you will always be provided for, there is no need to accrue a pot of money "just in case".  We seem to have this need to own things, which tends to come from a fear based space of it could all be taken from me.  Fear and trust are two sides of the same coin.

Give what you want to receive.  If you want acknowledgement, acknowledge everyone around you.  If you want to feel loved, be loving to all those around you.  If you want to be given flowers, buy flowers for yourself and/or give them to people around you.

You are a magnet.  You attract the energy back to you that you are emanating.

Wherever you go each day, and whoever you see - take a gift.  This could be a flower, a compliment, a smile, a blessing/well-wish, a note.  You don't have to spend money on this.  It is the act of giving that is important, not the cost.  Give to yourself also, a compliment,  some flowers, some time/space; a pampering treat - essential oil bath/a massage/exercise you enjoy/a delicious meal.
Notice how well you receive things.  When someone compliments you on your hair or an item of clothing - do you say "thank you I love it too" or do you say "what this old thing?  it was only cheap? I don't think it suits me?"
Observe your resistance to receiving.
Exercise - if you find this difficult - ask your friends/family to help you practise receiving by giving you something each time you see them.  If you find it hard to say thank you, at least don't say anything and negate the gift.
You might like to start working with the affirmations:
I am blessed.
I am surrounded by love and support.
I am open and receptive to all channels of abundance.
I am open and receptive to all possibilities.

Transform your Life. Step 4 of 10

Transform your life!  Step 4 of 10 effective steps on how to start creating the changes you want
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to make the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 4

Gratitude is a powerful and effective way of changing our energy field; the thoughts and intentions we are giving to the universe.  It can powerfully change your attitude and perceptions about your life.
By complaining about what we don't want in your life, we are attracting more things to complain about.  What you focus on expands.
By focussing on what is going well for us in our lives, we are attracting more of the same.

As far back as I can remember, I was always focussing on the negative.  If you have ever read the Winnie the Pooh stories, I was frequently like Eeyore, the eternal pessimist.  I was focussing on the cup being half empty.  Working with gratitude has changed my life beyond recognition.  If I notice myself focussing on what's wrong, I can change my "mood" within minutes by noticing what's right.  
Obviously, not always, however,  Sometimes what's going on is much deeper.  And for some occasions/people/situations in your life, seeking outside help in the form of counselling or therapy is very important.
But it is fantastic for those of us that seem to be complaining about all the little annoyances on a daily basis.

Start practising daily gratitude.
Either say things aloud, or write them down.
Some examples can be:
10 things you are grateful for relating to:
 - your friends and family - their support/companionship/feeling loved etc
- your senses - the beautiful things (eg a sunset) you can see with your eyesight; the lovely music you can hear with your hearing; the lovely food you can taste; the sweet smell of flowers
 - your physical body - your eyesight/hearing/good digestion/the fact that you can walk/or your skin is comfortable/you are pain-free.
If you have a lot of physical issues, it might help to focus on the positive by thinking about people that might be living in a more difficult situation than yourself - this can often make you feel very grateful for what you do have.

"The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things"  Henry Ward Becker

"Gratitude is absolutely the way to bring more into your life"  Marci Shimoff

Practise daily gratitude.  You could start the day by saying thank you for your comfortable bed, your hot running water,your power shower, the fact that you can nourish yourself with a good breakfast, your loving family, your warm house.....
Stop at frequent intervals through the day and look around, notice 10 things you feel grateful for right now.
Before you go to sleep, think about your day.  think of at least 10 things you feel grateful for that happened in your day.  Send loving thoughts to the people that you encountered in your day.