Thursday, 14 January 2016

What the f*** are we doing with our lives? Empower yourself!

We are brought up and conditioned to believe, in materialistic/capitalist societies, that we are striving towards an end goal.  This will include getting a good secure job, a partner, possibly having children, a house, looking towards saving for your retirement and pension.  For many of us, we can spend our whole lives trying (and often not achieving) to get these things.  Does that make us failures?
But what about when you have all these things?  Do they make us truly happy?  You have the house, the partner you love, the children, the job - you might even have a job you really enjoy.  Is that enough?  There can be a restlessness.  A sense that there is more to life than just ticking all those boxes.  A sense that you are here for a deeper purpose?
There is a big part of me that says - and now what?
I'm very content with my "lot".  I enjoy my job. I have a loving partner.  I have 3 healthy children that I'm so proud of.  I love my house.  I have loving and supportive friends and family.  I have good health.
There is always this sense that I'm here for more.  A sense of needing to expand, and keep moving forward with my life.
Every christmas it reminds me about how materialism is part of our conditioning.  We are sold the idea that the more money and objects we have, the happier we will be.  Do we get happiness from material objects?  When I write a list of what makes me happy, none of them are material objects.
They include a walk in nature, time with my friends and family, peace and quiet, listening to music, dancing etc
There is obviously a certain amount of money and things we need to give us comfort and for our needs to be met - housing, food, clothing etc
Do you live your life feeling passionate, enthusiastic, motivated?  Do you wake up every day and feel alive, like you want to jump out of bed as it's a new day and you feel inspired?
That's what I want from my life.  I want to wake up looking forward to every day.  It's not that I haven't had difficulties and challenges in my life, I have those as much as everyone else.  And I have pain from the past, nobody has a perfect childhood.  "Shit happens".
There's a big part of me that has always questioned why I'm here?  What's the meaning of life?  What's my life purpose?  I don't want to look back in my old age and have regrets about things that I haven't done, because I wasn't brave enough. 
My current life purpose appears to be my passion to help awaken others up to their life purpose.  I love this work.  It doesn't count as "work".  It's what I want to do every day.  I want to help others feel more alive, and enthusiastic and motivated and passionate about life.  I want everyone to feel empowered.  There is so much potential in the world, if we all reclaimed our power.  If we stop allowing ourselves to be duped by the idea that money and material objects will bring us happiness.

Reclaim your power.  Ask questions.  Ask yourself those questions - what do I want?  what do I want to do in the world?  what do I want to be in the world?  what do I want to create in the world?, what truly makes me happy, feel alive, feel fulfilled, want to jump out of bed in the morning? - AND GO DO IT!

Embrace the adventure of life.

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