Sunday, 3 January 2016

Become the change you wish to see in the world in 2016! A How to Guide…….

Why do so many humans need healing?  In my daily life, I meet a lot of people and  I’m saddened to see so many unhappy looking people.  So many hurt and wounded people.  Struggling to make eye contact, to respond to a smile, a friendly greeting.  How has it got to this?  Why are so many, so unhappy?
Why does the media portray a negative universe, a world to be feared?  Why do so many people believe it?  Why don’t people question things more?  Why aren’t there more articles and news stories about the amazing, creative projects that are happening in the world?    
I love the videos on youtube/facebook about people going onto a tube for example and creating a situation that makes everyone connect – through laughter – it can be so contagious; or through a dance flash mob.  Things that bring humans together.  I think that’s why comedians are so popular these days, people need to laugh and let go so badly.
I’m saddened by how many people need to self-medicate with alcohol and recreational drugs and on a daily basis.  How many people each day look forward to the 6pm “open a bottle of wine time”/smoking a joint – as a reward, to help unwind/relax.  I’m saddened at how many people are on anti-depressants, or sleeping tablets or anti-anxiety tablets.  What is wrong with us?  Why are we, who live in a developed nation, where our physical needs or food, shelter and warmth, so unhappy?
What do we need?  Why aren’t we getting/doing it?  Why aren’t more people asking more questions?  Why do we just accept our conditioned beliefs?  Because that’s what they are – we are conditioned from the day we are born to believe certain things that our parents/teachers/society tell us.  Why aren’t we questioning these things?
Materialistic societies like to convince people that what we need is more money and more material objects.  We need newer cars, bigger houses, brand new furniture new shoes, clothes, new handbags.  Designer goods.  We are convinced through multi-million pound advertising that that will make us feel better.  We are then subdued and distracted through television/alcohol/medication/recreational drugs/newspapers/computer games and magazines.
What can we do?  How can we become happy?  What are your needs?  Are you honouring them? 
We can start to question things.  Do we really believe all that we are told?  We can start to question some of our conditioned beliefs.
When did you last sit down and ask yourself – “what makes me happy/good?”  Have you got time to do this today?  Could you prioritise time to do this today?
If you sat down and wrote a list about what makes you feel happy – then write down how many hours/days per week you spend doing these things – in comparison to how many hours/days per week you spend watching tv or commuting to work or socialising with people that you don’t have a great connection with, or drinking alcohol and then not feeling motivated to do anything.   How would these timings and activities compare?
What about making a commitment to yourself this New Year, to spend more time focussing on becoming happy?
Suggestions of things that can make you feel good (based on coaching client’s feedback):
Listening to music; walking in nature; spending quality time with a partner/friends/family – that you get on well with; being alone; having a long hot bath; reading a good book; comedy; sunshine; beautiful views/nature; dancing; singing; seeing live music/play/theatre. Creating things – painting/pottery/drawing/making jewellery.  Arts and crafts.  Playing an instrument. The sea, the mountains, the woods.  Fresh air.  Log fire.  Exercise – swimming, running, walking etc
Do any of these resonate for you?  Could you do any of these activities today or tomorrow?  Would you have to prioritise this over a non-essential activity?  Do you procrastinate?
This might be a good time of year to really question how you want to be spending your time.  None of us know how much time we have in this lifetime.  Are you doing what you want to be doing?  If yes, great – keep doing it, as often as you can.  If not, are there things you can change today to be doing more of what you love more often?
Have you ever done a vision board for yourself?  These are great to do and really good at focussing your energy on changes you want to make.  Get creative.  Get yourself a sheet of paper/card – ideally A3 in size and start writing, drawing, painting, cutting photos/word from magazines.  Start focussing on what you would like to have in your life in 2016.  Get clear about your life.  What sort of work do you want to be doing?  Who do you want to work with?  How much money do you need to earn?  Who do you want to have in your life – friends/family/partner?  What do you want to be doing with your time?  Are there any material objects you need to manifest into your life?  Are there any creative activities you wish to do in 2016?  What qualities of mind/emotions do you want in 2016? 
Question your beliefs.  Take a long hard look at your life (with compassionate eyes) and see if there are changes you can make, to make your life work better for you.  Are there any classes you can sign up for?  (There are lots of free online courses and classes you can do these days).  Are there any commitments you can make to yourself for this year?
Can you make a commitment to yourself to become a happier human being in 2016?  Happier humans, make better decisions for themselves and others, are more loving to themselves and others, have more energy, feel more alive, have a zest for life, can see the positive side to life, can see creative and positive solutions to the world’s problems.  As the Dalai Lama says : Be kind whenever possible.  It is always possible. 
My mission statement for 2016:
I am a Holistic Life Coach.  I want to help people to feel alive, loved, supported, passionate, empowered, energised, confident, creative, awake, healed, fulfil their potential, discover and live their life purpose, be powerful.  I want these people to go out and change the world.  To be the change they wish to see in the world.  To understand and work with the law of attraction/the energies of the universe and focus on the positive things they want to see in the world and their lives.
I want groups of people to feel empowered, satisfied and contented with their lives.  To know and feel that they have enough and are supported abundantly.  So they can let go of needing more than they need.  So they can work together and individually to focus on creating change in the world.  So they can be creative and find solutions so that all humans are fed, watered, have shelter and clothing.  So all humans are safe and loved and cared for.  So all humans are healed of their pain and wounds.

New for 2016 – I am now offering a 12 week online Holistic Life Coaching course:
This course will be tailored to your individual requirements.  You will receive weekly guidance, tips, techniques and activities via email, including meditation downloads for you to listen to.  You will get daily encouragement and support through my facebook group: "Follow your Dreams".  You will receive personal email support throughout the 3 month period.  There will be optional additional bolt-ons including 1-2-1 Skype Life Coaching sessions.  You will get book recommendations and other lifestyle advice recommendations tailored to your specific requirements.
Full details and how to book at:

Mahatma Gandhi – Be the change you wish to see in the world.

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