Thursday, 14 January 2016

Don't demonstrate against war, demonstrate for peace! Ask questions - all the time!

"Don't ask me to demonstrate against war, ask me to demonstrate for peace" These are the words of mother Teresa.
We live in an energetic, reflective universe.  The universe is created by what we are putting into it energetically.  This is on an individual level and a collective level.  We have created humanity as it is currently.  We can also change humanity as it is.  At an individual level, if we decide to let go of the need to be right, and responding to our ego.
Eckhart Tolle talks about the collective madness of humanity especially in the 20th and 21st century.  The millions of people that died in the 20th century on the basis of people/religions needing to be right, the ego.
The Buddhists explain that our mind is not who we are.  If you just sit and observe your mind, it incessantly chatters away about a huge range of different things.  Some of those things we choose to believe and act upon.    Buddhism encourages us to ask the questions - is what we are about to do/believe - helpful?kind? serving others and ourselves?
We need to start asking more questions like these.
We are creating our own universe, our own lives with our energy.  The universe is reflecting back to us our deepest thoughts and beliefs.  But we can choose to change these.  Once you start actively focussing on what you would like to consciously create in your life, you can then start challenging some of your deeply long-held beliefs - is this belief helping me?  Does it serve me?  Does it serve others?  
We are creating our own universe collectively.  So you could ask - is what I'm doing/believing/thinking/watching on tv -  helping the earth and all who share it?
When you watch the news, do you come away with a positive optimistic feeling inside?  Probably not.  We are fed negative news stories the majority of the time.  Obviously it is important that we know generally what is going on in the world, but we have to realise that we are viewing "world" events through a very biased perspective.
Remember there are many amazing stories about good things people are doing for others, amazing community projects, charity projects.  We don't tend to hear about these through watching the news.  Does it serve us to watch the news every day? - I would say no.  It brings our energy levels down, and negative.  If we are living in an energetic universe, we wish to keep our focus on peace, happiness for all, safety for all, abundance of food, shelter, clothing, fresh water for all.
It serves "those in power" /capitalist economies/materialistic societies for the general populace to be frightened.  We then feel dependent on our governments to look after us - through their policies ie pension plans, weapons, attacking terrorists,
It serves capitalist economies for us to believe that we will find happiness through material objects, larger houses, newer cars, more clothes/shoes/handbags,looking good.
If we want peace on earth, we have to focus on peace and thoughts of peace and practise being peaceful within our lives.
What do you want in your life? 
 Do your current thought patterns and beliefs support this picture?  What do you want for planet earth and all beings who live upon it?  Do your current thought patterns and beliefs support this picture?
I wish for a world where everyone is safe and living in peace.  Where everyone has easy access to fresh clean drinking water, enough food, decent shelter, enough clothing.  This is possible.  The earth has enough food, shelter and clean water.  Human beings that are wounded perpetrators of aggressive acts to others need to receive healing and rehabilitation.  There are so many great projects going on where victims and the perpetrators of crime are meeting together to gain an understanding of each other, which helps them both to heal.  There are so many great projects going on in prisons with rehabilitation and drug detoxification etc.
In this day and age of internet communication, if this weren't being passive aggressively blocked by corporations/governments/pharmaceutical companies whose interest it isn't for this to be so, then it could be so easy.
Our air is being poisoned, just go to any major city and ask about their air quality levels, our water is having toxic byproducts (Fluoride) dumped in it, under the guise of being good for us/our teeth.  The quality of our food is declining, we are actively being encouraged (through very well-paid advertising budgets) about the latest food product that we should/need to eat.  More and more processed food, less natural, straight out of the ground foods.  We are getting a whole generation of kids that don't know that crisps come from potatoes and potatoes grown in the ground!  
We all have to wake up and smell the coffee.  We have to actively focus on what we want to see in the world.  And give no more energy to what we don't want in the world.

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