Sunday, 27 July 2014

Transform your Life! - Step 1 of 10

10 Steps to encourage you to start making the changes you want in your life.  
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively start to create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I am currently producing some Meditation MP3s to accompany this work.
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely way to produce the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to comment/like/share. Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 1
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is an underlying natural law of the universe.  The basic premise is that: Our thoughts are creative.  What we focus on expands.  Thought + belief = manifestation.
You will attract into your life whatever you focus on.  Whatever you give your energy and attention to, whatever you believe in, will manifest in your life.
"We are a result of what we have thought"  Buddha
"You are what you think about all day long"  Dr Robert Schuller

This is powerful stuff - and scary.  What's happening to me now, is what I have attracted?  However, if I now take control of my thoughts and beliefs, I can change my life?

You can't escape from this law.  It is working all day, every day, whether you are conscious of it or not.
You are always in a state of creation.  You are creating your reality in every moment of every day.

"You attract to you the predominant thoughts that you're holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious.  Thats the rub."  Michael Bernard Beckwith

The power is in the present moment.  Don't worry about what you have been thinking about and focussing on up to this point.  Start consciously changing your thoughts as of now/today.  Start examining your beliefs and see if they are creating the life you want to live.  If not, you can change them.

"Choose to focus your thoughts on the good things that you already have, as well as those that you're going to attract"  Sandra Anne Taylor

" If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten"  Anthony Robbins

Quantum physics states we are energy.  Everything is energy.  All matter is energy.  Energy is in constant motion.  Energy follows thought.  
We are all connected.  We are interdependent.  Our bodies/cells/subatomic particles are always changing.
You are a magnet - you attract things to you that vibrate at the same frequency.

"Quantum mechanics confirms it.  Quantum cosmology confirms it.  That the Universe essentially emerges from thought and all of this matter around us is just precipitated thought.  Ultimately, we are the source of the Universe, and when we understand that power directly by experience, we can start to exercise our authority and begin to achieve more and more.  Create anything.  Know anything from within the field of our own consciousness, which ultimately is Universal consciousness that runs the Universe."  Dr John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist

I would recommend that if this is the first time that you have come across this idea, that you sit with it for a while.  Observe all your disbelief coming up and note it down.  Observe your negativity that comes up and note it down.  These are important tools to work with.  More to follow in a later post.

Recommended reading:
"Wishes Fulfilled" Wayne Dyer
"The Moses Code" James Twyman
"Three Magic Words" Uell Andersen
"Quantum Success" Sandra Anne Taylor
"The Key to living the Law of Attraction" Jack Canfield
"Creating Money" Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
"The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success" Deepak Chopra
"The Law of Attraction" Esther and Jerry Hicks
"The Secret" Rhonda Byrne
"Infinite Abundance". Becoming a spiritual millionaire. Jason Chan

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