Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Transform your Life! Step 3 of 10.

Transform your Life!  10 effective steps to encourage you to start making the changes you want.  Step 3

I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most produce the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to comment/like/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 3
Working with Visualisation and Affirmations.

Once you have completed step 2, go back to your quiet/meditative space.  Once there, become aware of your surroundings.  Become as present as you can.  Do the 3 minute "Breathing space" meditation. (these can be found on youtube)
Now work with your vision.  Visualise how you would like your life to look.  Visualise it as though you are there, you are currently living that life.  Imagine looking out from your eyes, looking around and seeing this wonderful life and vision you have created.  What do you see? Picture the colours, who would be there with you?  Where are you living?  How does it feel? What would you be looking at?  What sounds would you be hearing?  What can you smell?

"Visualisation is daydreaming with a purpose"  Bo Bennett

When you are really feeling in the thick of it all, start thinking about what thoughts you would be having about your life.  What would your beliefs be?
Then from a "present" viewpoint, start writing these down and/or saying them out loud.  Try and start with the words "I am.......

for example:
I am with a loving partner who supports me.
I am working in a job that I love, that motivates me and that I am passionate about. 
I am well paid.
I am experiencing perfect health
I am surround by loving family and friends
I am experiencing inner peace and calm
I am financially abundant

Now notice any negativity that comes up from within you when you say/write down these affirmations.  Really listen to this negativity/disbelief - you have to release this, to allow more of what you want into your life.  Notice it, observe it, don't judge it.  Acknowledge your negativity.   

You might work with the affirmations like this:
Example one:
Positive thought you would be having if you were living the life you want:
I am with a loving partner who supports me.
Negativity that comes up when I try to believe this:
But I am single
But I never meet anyone
But all the good men/women are taken
All men/women are assholes
I cant trust men/women again
I have been heartbroken too many times.
I'm too old/ugly/fat

Example two:
Positive thought you would be having if you were living the life you want:
I am financially abundant
Negativity that comes up when I try to believe this:
But I don't have enough money
But I'm worried about how to pay my bills
But I've always been hard up
But I have lots of debt
But I don't earn enough.

Keep writing until you can't think of any more. 
Then start replacing these beliefs with some positive thoughts.

For example:
I am choosing to let go of my negativity around money.
I am choosing to manifest financial abundance.  
I am a money magnet
I am choosing to be open and receptive to all channels of abundance.
I am intending to receive financial abundance and support.
I am manifesting financial ease.
I am choosing to believe that money comes from many and varied sources.

If our thoughts are creating our future, we need to learn to release our negative thoughts and beliefs. 
During meditation, you can ask your higher self/the universe/your angels to help you release your negativity and to transmute this negativity and remove it from your energy field. 
You might also want to work with this breathing technique:
Breathe slowly and deeply.  On the inhale, say to yourself:
"I am receiving for my highest good"
On the exhale, say to yourself:
" I release what I no longer need"
Do this for at least 5 breaths.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Transform your Life! Step 2 of 10

       10 Steps to encourage you to start making the changes you want in your life. 
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely to produce the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to like/comment/share.  Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 2
Ask for what you want.

What changes do you want in your life?  What isn't working well for you?  There might be one area or there be many areas in your life where you want change.
Take your time with this step.  Quieten down.  Contemplate.  Reflect.  Take hours/days/weeks pondering this question.  Edit and change it as you get clearer.
How do I want my life to be?  What changes would I like to see in my life?

Go and spend some time in nature, take a notebook and pen.  Ideally, sit quietly in woodland or beside water, or in the mountains, ideally on the ground.  Obviously, if this isn't possible, then choose a lovely room in your house, possibly light some candles/burn some incense/essential oils.  Choose an area that you feel particularly drawn to, then sit and spend some time quietly becoming aware of your present surroundings.  Heighten your senses of sight, smell, sounds.  Do a 3 minute "Breathing space" meditation if possible. (you can find these on youtube)
Then when you're feeling present, ask for your higher self ( and if you would like, your angels/spirit guides) to be with you.  
Then start writing down what you want and how you would like your life to look.  Let your imagination soar.  Don't dampen down your dreams before you have allowed yourself to hear them.  
Make sure you only note what you do want in your life, not what you don't want.  You may wish to consider the aspects of your life that you aren't happy with, and that you want to change to enable you to then affirm what you do want.
Don't worry about how ridiculous or far-fetched or unattainable these seem.  Don't consider how you might achieve these changes.  Just write them down.
See in your mind's eye, how you would like your life to look.  Allow yourself the vision.

"Most of us have never allowed ourselves to want what we truly want, because we can't see how it's going to manifest"  Jack Canfield

Additional tips:  you may wish to create a vision board or a vision book.  Either get a large (A3)piece of card, or a beautiful "collage" book.  Use paints, or colours, magazine clippings of words or photos.  Start collaging what you want to attract into your life.  Add to this/edit it as required over the next few weeks.  If you aren't really clear about how certain things look (ie if you are wanting to attract a partner) then just collage the "essence" of the thing/person.

Transform your Life! - Step 1 of 10

10 Steps to encourage you to start making the changes you want in your life.  
I have produced this series of steps on "How to effectively start to create the changes you want in your life" as an outline of the work I teach with my Intuitive Life-coaching work.  
I am currently producing some Meditation MP3s to accompany this work.
I hope you find this helpful and it encourages you to start making some changes. 
Start where you are, start one day at a time, start with one thing at a time.  Slow and steady progress is the most likely way to produce the longer term results.  Changes need time to integrate into your life.
Please feel free to comment/like/share. Thank you.  Elaine <3

Step 1
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is an underlying natural law of the universe.  The basic premise is that: Our thoughts are creative.  What we focus on expands.  Thought + belief = manifestation.
You will attract into your life whatever you focus on.  Whatever you give your energy and attention to, whatever you believe in, will manifest in your life.
"We are a result of what we have thought"  Buddha
"You are what you think about all day long"  Dr Robert Schuller

This is powerful stuff - and scary.  What's happening to me now, is what I have attracted?  However, if I now take control of my thoughts and beliefs, I can change my life?

You can't escape from this law.  It is working all day, every day, whether you are conscious of it or not.
You are always in a state of creation.  You are creating your reality in every moment of every day.

"You attract to you the predominant thoughts that you're holding in your awareness, whether those thoughts are conscious or unconscious.  Thats the rub."  Michael Bernard Beckwith

The power is in the present moment.  Don't worry about what you have been thinking about and focussing on up to this point.  Start consciously changing your thoughts as of now/today.  Start examining your beliefs and see if they are creating the life you want to live.  If not, you can change them.

"Choose to focus your thoughts on the good things that you already have, as well as those that you're going to attract"  Sandra Anne Taylor

" If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always gotten"  Anthony Robbins

Quantum physics states we are energy.  Everything is energy.  All matter is energy.  Energy is in constant motion.  Energy follows thought.  
We are all connected.  We are interdependent.  Our bodies/cells/subatomic particles are always changing.
You are a magnet - you attract things to you that vibrate at the same frequency.

"Quantum mechanics confirms it.  Quantum cosmology confirms it.  That the Universe essentially emerges from thought and all of this matter around us is just precipitated thought.  Ultimately, we are the source of the Universe, and when we understand that power directly by experience, we can start to exercise our authority and begin to achieve more and more.  Create anything.  Know anything from within the field of our own consciousness, which ultimately is Universal consciousness that runs the Universe."  Dr John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist

I would recommend that if this is the first time that you have come across this idea, that you sit with it for a while.  Observe all your disbelief coming up and note it down.  Observe your negativity that comes up and note it down.  These are important tools to work with.  More to follow in a later post.

Recommended reading:
"Wishes Fulfilled" Wayne Dyer
"The Moses Code" James Twyman
"Three Magic Words" Uell Andersen
"Quantum Success" Sandra Anne Taylor
"The Key to living the Law of Attraction" Jack Canfield
"Creating Money" Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer
"The 7 Spiritual Laws of Success" Deepak Chopra
"The Law of Attraction" Esther and Jerry Hicks
"The Secret" Rhonda Byrne
"Infinite Abundance". Becoming a spiritual millionaire. Jason Chan

Thursday, 17 July 2014

How much money is enough?

Following on from my previous blog about is it ok to be spiritual and wealthy.  How much is enough money? When do we call ourselves wealthy or rich?  Is it all relative?  Does money represent something for you - love? security? status? success?
A friend recently said to me, we never feel like we have enough money - because however much we earn, we just spend more and see more things we would like to buy or experiences to spend our money on.  Is this true? 
If my income doubled - would I feel wealthy?  Do I feel wealthy now?  I certainly have all my needs met - I have a house, clothing, enough food to eat.  I am therefore wealthier than the majority of the world's population.  So why dont I always feel wealthy?  The basis of capitalism is a consumer society.  We are fed the idea that the more money we have, the happier we will be.  But surely, the more "things" we own, the more we can feel worried about losing.  The more "insurance" we need to buy.
What are we ultimately looking for?
I would suggest it is:
Happiness, sense of security, love, a sense of belonging, friendship, good health, a loving family, possibly to have children, a sense of life purpose.  Can any of these things be bought?.....................
A Buddhist teacher I heard of said, "if you want to feel contented, reduce your needs"
According to Buddhist teachings, "one will never be truly happy until one is Enlightened"

Enlightenment to most of us, probably appears to be unattainable.  However, Eckhart Tolle in his books: The Power of Now and A New Earth, says that we can have brief moments of enlightenment when we are totally present, 100% in the Now.  
Instead of chasing money, maybe we should be seeking Being....................

Is it OK to be Spiritual and Wealthy?

Someone recently said to me, in response to me quoting "Spiritual health and material well-being are not enemies; they are natural allies" , that money is the root of all evil and spirit is not a commodity.

This reminded me of something that I have frequently pondered over in  the last couple of decades (while practising as an acupuncturist and seeing colleagues and other healers' attitudes to the way they charge for their services).
What is this thing that a lot of "spiritual" people have that its not ok to charge for their services or at least to not charge very much, or to just do it on a donation basis.
Unless you are wealthy enough to not need to earn money, if you don't charge for services you provide that may be spiritually based, you will have another "job" that earns you money to pay for your house, food, clothing etc.  Therefore, you will spend less time being of "spiritual service" to the world, and more time worrying about money and struggling to make ends meet.

It is not innately spiritual to live in poverty.  You can be spiritual with or without money.
"It is perfectly good, reasonable, advisable and seriously okay to be spiritual and rich"  Maggy Whitehouse

If you then see "wealthy" people as something to be jealous of or angry with (due to inequalities), you are then blocking wealth from coming to you.  Money is an energy and needs to flow.  It isn't great to have none, but it also isn't healthy to just "need" to accrue money, that comes from a place of poverty consciousness - there isn't enough therefore I need to hold onto what I have.

"One of the greatest secrets of prosperity is to allow it to flow to us, and through us without need to hold onto it or tie it down"  Maggy Whitehouse.

I love the idea of being a philanthropist.  To have that much money that I can use it to support products and services that I believe in.  To support spiritual communities and projects so that they are able to offer more support and classes to people that would otherwise be unable to afford it.  To subsidise and promote alternative health care for all.
Having been an acupuncturist all of my working life, I would love to see Acupuncture being more widely offered to the whole community.  The multi-bed clinic set-up has certainly opened acupuncture up to a whole lot more people that wouldn't ordinarily have afforded it.

Incidentally the quote that started off this rant was actually mis-quoted.  The quote from the bible is:
"The love of money is the root of all evil"
That makes more sense - why revere and pursue money over peace of mind, contentment, jy, happiness and bliss.  It isn't helpful to chase money but it is certainly helpful to earn enough to live a comfortable life and the more money you earn the more you can help others.  Embrace abundance!