Thursday, 30 July 2015

Do you want to create changes in your life? Moving forward and using your imagination.

After you have spent some time getting really clear and visualising what you do want in your life (see previous blog "Do you want change in your life?  How to gain clarity?") -  Maybe you've created a vision board, put the vision board on a wall in your house, or on your fridge, somewhere where you see it every day.  And every time you see it, add some more energy to it.  Maybe get clearer about some aspects on it.  Maybe refine it slightly, or add an extra word or two.
Then create another quiet moment in sacred space for yourself, either sitting quietly somewhere in nature - the beach or the woods or a park, or a lovely room in your house/a warm candlelit bath, or your garden.  Then focus back on that visualisation/vision board you have worked on; what you really want to create in your life.  Now really start working with your imagination.  
So you've got this vision of where you want to go - maybe its a new job, or a new house, or a new partner, maybe its improved finances, maybe its a better sense of well-being, better health.  Then really visualise yourself as if you are already living that.
For example,  if it's better health you want - say you have digestive troubles, or you are living with pain, chances are your vision is about you being pain-free, you don't want to live with pain anymore, pain is very challenging, you want to live with ease, with vibrant health.  Really visualise yourself moving well, your body is so comfortable to live in, you being able to do all the things you want to do with your physical body which is so comfortable and easy.  Visualise yourself sleeping well, eating well, you're attracted to the right sort of foods for you.  You are attracted to the right sort of exercise for you and motivated to do it because your body loves to move and is so flexible and mobile.  Really visualise yourself being like that.
Or maybe it is a house you want to live in, or maybe its the new job you want to be in, really visualise yourself being in that place.  
And when you have really got that image, that vision in your head, really imagine yourself being in that scenario right now.  Right now.  Really imagine that.  Let your imagination go wild and free.  Really go with it.  
And then ask yourself the question - if this was my current life, what beliefs would I have to have about my life for this to be true?
So if its about a house, visualise this house in this perfect location for you, and just say:
I am living in this beautiful, ideal location
The house I live in perfectly suits all my needs and desires
I can easily afford this house.
Or this body of mine:
I am comfortable in this body.
I am vibrating with incredible health.
I feel alive.
I feel well.
Write some of these things down.  What would your beliefs be about your life, your health,  if you were living your ideal dream life scenario.
I am happy.  I am peaceful.  I am passionate.  I feel alive.  I am excited by life.  All of these things.  What are your beliefs?
By doing this exercise, this really helps you keep the focus on what you do want in your life.  The law of attraction gives back to you what you focus your energy on.  So the more time you spend, the more passion you put in to visualising and imagining, feeling those feelings of living that dream life scenario, the closer it comes, the more real it feels.  Our subconscious mind can't tell the difference between reality and imagination.  It returns to us, what we think about regularly and frequently with passion and belief.
Try it, do this for a month, do it as an experiment.  See if things start to change in your life.  
I really like the idea of the 30 day diet - break your negative thought patterns/focus on what you do want/visualise and imagine/put your energy into your feelings of what it would feel like to have this dream life.  Do it as an experiment and see what starts to change for you.  For 30 days, imagine your dream life scenario for 10-15 minutes daily and give no energy or attention to any negative situations in your life/complaining.  Only give your energy and attention and focus and passion to the dream life scenario you are heading towards.
Watch what comes into your life, notice any ideas/hunches/divine inspiration comes to you.  Notice coincidences and synchronicities.  Start taking any divinely inspired action that comes to you.  Start with small changes daily.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step"  Lao Tzu

"Transform your Life: Follow your Dreams"
Courses, workshops and groups from September 2015

Do you want change in your life? How do you gain clarity?

So you want some change in your life? You want something to be different in your life?  You would like at least one aspect of your life to be different for you?  Is it a relationship, your health, your finances, a job, is it where you live?  
How clear are you about what change you want in your life?  You can only create the change you want in your life by focusing on what you want.  Do you know what you really want?  If you give vague messages to the universe about possibly wanting something to be different/better, the universe has no clarity.  Do you spend all of your time complaining about how your life is right now and how it isn't right for you?
For the universe to be able to give back to you what you want, you have to tell it really clearly what you want.  Don't tell it what you don't want, because it doesn't hear the negative.  It only responds to the amount of energy you are putting into something.  So the more energy you are putting into complaining about what is happening in your life and how fed up your are with it, the more energy you are putting into that situation being a presence in your life.  
The way to create and to invite the change you want to see, is by focusing your energy on that , with passion and vigour and enthusiasm.  
It is well worth spending a fair amount of time on getting clear about what you want.
Maybe go to a quiet place in nature, sitting on a beach, in some woodland, in a large parkland, sitting in your garden, or sitting in a lovely room in your house, or a hot bath quietly.  Maybe burn some candles and/or some incense and just really give yourself that time to really focus on what you do want in your life.  Don't get too much into over-thinking in your head.  Allow your divine inspiration to come to you in your daydreaming, you night dreaming, your sudden flashes of inspiration.  Maybe if you paint or draw, or create with your hands, you might gain clarity while working in this way.
The only time to that it is useful to notice what you don't want is to allow yourself to have the contrast which can then give you more clarity about what you do want.
For example, if you dislike your job, or your colleagues, or your manager , or you don't think you're paid enough and you find yourself complaining about this a lot, the more energy you put into complaining, even if you change your job, you will keep getting more to complain about in your new job.  So observe this negativity as a piece of information but dont give any more of your energy to it.
If for example you don't get on with your manager, to manifest a good manager, write down what qualities you would like in a manager, your ideal manager would probably be one that supports you, that acknowledges you, that recognises what good work you do, who gives you stimulating work appropriate to your age and skill set and experience and financially remunerates you appropriately too.
Notice the aspects in your current job which you don't like, to enable you to gain clarity on what you do want.  Write down what you want, create yourself a vision board, use pictures/words from magazines, cut them out, stick them on.  Use colours, painting, words.
And/or write a journal, start jotting down your thoughts and ideas.
Do something every day, refine these ideas, what is the essence of what you want to see in your life?  
It is important to have a daily practice.  To create movement and change, start doing something daily in the direction of your dreams.  I can't emphasise this enough.  Sometimes the bigger picture can be overwhelming so just start with what you can do today.  Who knows where this may lead?  But it does definitely create movement and with movement comes change.
If its a new house you want to manifest, you might not know exactly how this house will look, but what qualities do you want to get from this new house?  What will living in this new place bring to your life?  Do you want space, light, lovely neighbours, parking?  Write down what you do know you want from this new house.
Only give energy to what you do want.  When you notice your mind start wandering and starting to go back to that complaining, as soon as you notice you are doing this, don't give any more energy to that.  Keep the focus on what you do want.  Distract yourself if you need to, but whatever you do, stop giving energy to the negative.  
If you want change , you have got to start doing things differently, regularly and frequently, however small.

"Transform your Life: Follow your Dreams"  Workshops, courses and groups from September 2015.  Book your place now.