Someone asked me recently, if you were guaranteed to succeed with anything you wanted to do, what would you be doing?
Well the answer to that only took me a few minutes to come up with, it was very close to the surface. Is it what I'm now doing? Not entirely. Are you doing what you would love to be doing? Are you following your heart? Living your dream life? If not, why not?
Why aren't you doing it then, if its something you would really like to be doing? I observe that what comes up for me is a combination of: Fear of failure. Fear of ridicule. Knowing that there's lots of other people around already doing it. They'be been doing it for longer. They're possibly more qualified, more experienced. Why would people want to come to me? I haven't even written a book yet!
I generally feel that I'm a fairly confident person in most areas of my life but I was surprised at my lack of confidence and vulnerability at the thought of putting myself out there in the public arena, offering new services to the public. I've even read the book, "Feel the fear and do it anyway"
I'm sure that this is a very human condition, and that I'm not alone. I think that fear of failure and ridicule is very commonplace. I then remind myself that a lot of the well known inspirational people out there, 2 of whom immediately spring to mind - JKRowling and Henry Ford, (I dont know why I picked those 2!). JK Rowling had numerous rejections before her book was published and Henry Ford had many setbacks - the rest is history as they say.
It feels easier to carry on doing what I'm currently doing (and that is fine as I do still really enjoy my work and plan to continue in any case).
I feel like there is a passion inside me that wants to reach out. Do you have those feelings? I read a lot of spiritual books, and recently read about how our purpose here is for our soul to expand. Our consciousness to expand. Change and expansion is a part of who we are, our life purpose.
Change is all that is happening, every moment of every day.
I love this ancient chinese proverb "The only certain thing in life is change"
According to quantum physics, matter (human beings, computers, rocks, trees, water) is formed of atoms, which consists of subatomic particles constantly moving. It has been recognised that we affect these particles with our attention and our intention. We are surrounded by an energy field that responds to our thoughts/intention/attention/beliefs/ So we are literally creating our lives with our thoughts. Atoms that are resonating at the same frequency attract each other. Our thoughts have a magnetic field effect.
To start the process of creating change, you need to initially get really clear about what you want, where you want to be heading, what your vision is. If you don't give the universal energy field a clear picture about what you wish to draw into your life, it will respond to your most dominant thoughts.
Thoughts are creative. Every item or object was once just a thought or idea in someone's mind.
I personally have moments where I am completely going with the flow of what is happening in my life and other times where I have huge amounts of resistance and frustration.
Then there is the issue with belief! Surely I can't ask for something that seems so far from where I am right now?
When you are asking for something you want to create in your life, your negative beliefs about not receiving can be so strong )for whatever reason) that a huge amount of negativity can come up, which needs to be processed/released to effect change and movement in thoughts.
Eckhart Tolle (The Power of Now) talks about how the ego doesn't want change and we create resistance. He says, when faced with a situation you don't want, you either take steps to change it, or you accept it, everything else is futile, a waste of energy and taking away your power from the present moment; the power that comes with knowing that thoughts are creative.
Your thoughts of today are creating your tomorrows.